Glenroy History
The site of the first Military Establishment West of the Blue Mountains.
During their visit to the “New Discovered Country” in April-May, 1815, Governor and Mrs. Macquarie camped twice on the ground at Glenroy.
The Camping Grounds have always been open for public use since the crossing of the Blue Mountains in 1813.
There is a monument on the property commemorating the ‘first’ Divine Service held in the Blue Mountains.
There are old graves dating back to 1832.
Discover more about Glenroy here.

Trodden by the first white men to pass the Blue Mountains.

The military depot at Cox’s River as French visitors saw it in 1819. Notice the granite stepping stones, and at the right one of the little rapids characteristic of the river.

Glenroy Bridge, opened in 1901. The site of the military depot of Macquarie’s day is out of view to the left.

When at Cox’s River, Governor Macquarie recorded in his diary the holding there of Divine service on April 30, 1815

Near the site of the military depot at Cox’s River is the grave of the baby daughter of the colour sergeant there in 1831.

Many people attended the commemorative service at Glenroy on May 2, 1936.
(Photo by C. Price Conigrave.)